Support for Seniors
New York City is getting older as the Baby Boomer generation retires in greater numbers and more adults live longer. There are 1.73 million residents 60 years of age and over, representing 20% of the city’s population. 1 in 5 live in poverty and over 1 in 4 report challenges with mobility and self-care. Given economic difficulties, many more are working, or need to. I am committed to helping these residents ensure their dignity and quality of life and remain a vital part of our communities. My platform includes several safeguards, including:
Food Security. The pandemic has worsened the already problematic food insecurity many seniors face. I will ensure full funding of the Department for the Aging’s meal programs as well as maintain the number of case management workers who perform other vital services.
Combating Social Isolation. Since being isolated is tied to increased mental and physical health issues and other negative factors. I will seek additional funding for the Department for the Aging programs, including support for caregiver services and to eliminate the home care and case management waiting lists.
Preventing Workplace Discrimination. Many people over 60 need to work because they can’t afford retirement. Others see jobs as giving them a sense of purpose and maintaining social connections. Whatever the reason for being in the workforce, I will support laws and enforcement to prevent age-related bias against older workers.
Creating safe, healthy, and affordable housing options. To keep our elder residents safe and part of our communities, my plan calls for:
Expanding eligibility for the Senior Citizens Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE) to help ~29,000 older homeowners living on limited budgets make ends meet.
Automatically enrolling eligible senior renters in the Senior Citizens Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program, which would help ~26,000 seniors better afford rent so they could remain in their homes.
Strengthening the investment in senior centers and an increased development of retirement buildings and communities for this population.